Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Biostrip - the NEW number one choice for model collectors

IT'S taking the game and modelling world by storm. Fan forums are full of comments, praise, photos, videos and recommendations for Biostrip as THE must-have accessory for model maintenance.
So for all those still wondering, here's a few words from those who've seen....................


Over at the ever-popular forums, members are delighted at the discovery of Biostrip.

Regular poster 'Lostcarpark' said: "I've just tried this stuff and the results are absolutely fantastic...I stripped an Assault Bike that had been smothered in a thick layer of brown paint over a thick layer of red paint, and all that's left are a few flecks of undercoat. The wheels even spin again! Highly recommended."
And fellow poster 'MikeMarshall' agreed, adding: "It's impressive stuff, especially on the plastics."

In this image posted on by regular poster 'Smacks', you can see the difference Biostrip makes to a heavily painted figure after just one hour immersed in it.

At the forum, member 'GBDarkAngel' said: "I decided to test the product on 10 Metal 40k Space Marine Scouts that had been badly painted around 10 years ago...every bit of paint was removed in 1 hour! I have been very impressed by it."
And on the same site, regular poster 'Smacks' said: "I bought some 2nd-hand Plastic Marines a while ago as part of a job lot. After an hour in Biostrip, the paint had been completely removed. Even after 10 minutes the paint had started to blister and was easy to rub off with just my fingers. It's difficult to find anything bad to say about Biostrip."


 Warhammer forum member, Lostcarpark, says: "here's the attack bike I restored with Biostrip....The original paint was in at least two thick coats, a brown one over a red one. The Biostrip looked like strawberry yogurt with berries in after, but still went on to strip a load more figures."

Meanwhile, over at, member 'Shane' said: "I am impressed with the results, and to be honest, anything that saves me having to pay Games Workshops prices is a good investment!"
"I purchased a 500ml tub of Biostrip. This was enough to strip paint from around 100 figures," said another.
And from the demonstration videos they've uploaded, it's easy to see why more and more people every day are declaring Biostrip to be an essential piece of kit when it comes to model care:
Courtesy of member GBDarkAngel: -

Biostrip vs. Metal Scouts

Biostrip vs. Tyranid Termagaunt

* To browse or buy from the full, fantastic range of Biostrip products, click HERE

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