Thursday, 21 November 2013

Using Moss or Lichen Removal Products

Moss and Lichen Removal is easy with FUZE-Products

A single one off application of Moss or Lichen Remover using a garden sprayer kills growths quickly.  The dead growths are removed by rainfall without damaging the treated surface. Regrowth is also slowed down. Use of a Seal can decrease the chances of regrowth even further.
Whilst chlorine based products (such as bleach)  work quickly on concrete, they are broken down within days by sunlight so will give no residual protection. These chlorine based  products will require more frequent applications to keep the treated surface clean. They are also hazardous and should not be allowed to enter water courses.
FUZE Moss and Lichen Removers are not chlorine based  so will give extended protection meaning less frequent applications. They are also non hazardous.

How It Works

FUZE Moss and Lichen Removers contain a fully biodegradable biocide that selectively kills moss and lichen on any surface. These products start work immediately.  Every time it rains, the residues are removed and flushed away without damaging the surface.
The cleaning process on concrete will take several days.

Usage Instructions

Products should be used on a dry day when no rain is expected for several hours. Do not apply to saturated moss, wait for it to dry out.
Application can be made at any time of the year, but the products generally act faster when the weather is warm.
Apply product using a watering can with an appropriate rose, or for large areas a knapsack spray can be used.
The “Pro” range of products should be diluted as per label.

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