Thursday, 3 December 2015

Cleaning an old Concrete Mixer

Cleaning Out an Old Concrete Mixer

I have just been asked how to clean out a lightly used, second hand concrete mixer without causing damage to the paintwork by use of strong acids.

When it comes to removing old, dried on cement, traditionally there are only two options.

  • Knock off with a hammer and chisel
  • Dissolve with a strong acid such as Hydrochloric Acid

However a third option has become available

Biostrip ConcreteRemover from FUZE Products
biostrip concrete cleaner

This product, which is designed to remove unwanted cement, concrete and mortar is perfect for removing old cement from mixers.

Instructions for use

Begin by turning on the mixer and allowing it to spin.
  1. Add approximately 10 litres of water to the mixer.
  2. While it is spinning, gently tap the outside of the drum with a rubber mallet. Take care not to dent the drum. Any loose cement should begin to break up and fall off the wall.
  3. After the large chunks are removed, open the release and allow the water and chunks of cement to drain out.
  4. Allow the drum to spin again, add approximately 10 – 15 litres of Concrete Remover and continue spinning until the product has coated the insides of the drum.
  5. Once the sides of the drum have been coated, switch the mixer off and allow to stand until the concrete has turned into a soft gel.
  6. Once the concrete has softened, spin the drum, add 5 to 10 litres of water. Spin for around 5 minutes then open the release and allow the water and softened concrete to drain out.
  7. If required repeat steps 4 to 6, otherwise give the drum a good rinse out with water, a hose or pressure washer is useful for this.
  8. Allow the mixer to dry.

Safe to use around plants and metals, Biostrip Concrete Remover is one of the safest concrete cleaners on the market.

Biostrip Concrete Remover works by safely dissolving the bonds holding the cement/mortar together.  Enabling you to easily remove concrete and mortar from bricks, tile other hard surfaces.

Biostrip Concrete Remover does NOT contain strong Acids such as Hydrochloric or Sulphuric Acid.

You can buy Biostrip Concrete Remover HERE

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