Thursday, 23 February 2012

Get your garden in shape with FUZE Products!

WITH spring just around the corner, the air will soon be thick with the sound of lawnmowers hacking their way through a Winter's worth of long grass, weeds and general garden mess.

And while hacking your way through an overgrown garden might seem like frustrating and back-breaking work, it's nothing compared to the problem of restoring your garden decking back to its former glory.

Two of the biggest problems that regularly ruin the appearance of garden decking and other wooden garden furniture are moss and algae. And it's not just a matter of giving it a quick scrub to wipe away the problem...

The fact is that the traditional method of using warm water and a stiff-bristled brush simply does not do the job successfully. While it may remove the top-most layer of algae, stains will be left behind, making the end result a little less than perfect.

Dedicated cleaners exist, but usually come at a cost - either to your wallet or your health. The majority of cleaners specifically made for this particular job are generally solvent-based. This can - and regularly does - lead to nasty burns on the skin, as well as foul fumes. With pets, children and family members nearby, its easy to see how those dangers and risks suddenly increase.

as shown below, Biostrip gets to work straight away; 
working fast to remove the problem, without the risk 
                                                                                                                                                         of smells or burns                                                                                                                                             

So what's the alternative?

FUZE Moss Kill is yet another breakthrough product from the truly revolutionary FUZE products range...

...and using it really couldn't be quicker, simpler or safer!
  • Firstly, simply apply the Deck Cleaner via a watering can fitted with a suitable rose, or for vertical surfaces by garden spray. No rinsing is necessary!
  • For best results, always apply Deck Cleaner on a dry day.
  • Simply dilute up to ten times with water (1 litre of Deck Cleaner can be made up to 10 litres with water).
  • Coat the chosen surface thoroughly with Deck Cleaner via watering can or vertical spray as neccessary
  • That’s it! Simply leave the application, give it time to work, and return to find your furniture, paving or decking well and truly clean!

Simply follow these steps and in no time at all your garden will be restored to its original glory!


But it doesn't end there!

Because of the unique chemical structure of Biostrip, it isn't going to harm your garden furniture and ornaments at all - whether they're wooden, metal or plastic-based, simply repeat the above procedure to return it all to its former glory!

The entire Biostrip range includes a complete, proven, 100% safe and eco-friendly range of products that takes care of every aspect of your stripping and cleaning needs...from decking to doors, from windows to walls, from artex to awnings; Biostrip cleans the lot!

And it doesn't stop there! With our fantastic, full valeting range - guaranteeing the same high standard of solvent-free cleaning care - and metal pre-treatment ranges, it's easy to see why so many people around the world are making the switch to Biostrip.

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