How to Handle an Unwanted Artex Ceiling
There is no doubt that Artex is long-lasting, easy to use and tough, but removing unwanted Artex or other textured finishes is every DIY enthusiasts worst nightmare.This could well explain why so many 70's and 80's homes still have textured ceilings.
Unfortunately no one
can quite agree on the best way of dealing with Artexed ceilings -
although most people agree that chipping away at it, is not the way
to go. Whether you decide to steam, grind or chisel the finish away
you are likely to end up with cut fingers, blunt tools and a messy
ceiling. You could also be putting your health at risk as some older
Artex may contain asbestos.
If your Artex
contains asbestos you will need to use an expert to deal with it.
This can be costly but it is the only way to safely remove this type
of product.
If you are in any
doubt about there being asbestos in your ceiling then you should have
it tested, or simply assume it does and use an appropriate
If you are lucky
enough to not have any asbestos present you may be able to simply
cover up the existing Artex. This is especially effective where the
ceiling is not too thickly textured and you can use a PVA primer to
create the adhesion needed. You can then smooth a coat of plaster
over the top to create your new finish.
If your ceiling is
heavily textured you may need to take a different approach. With
heavily textured finishes the best option is to either remove the
ceiling then replace with new plasterboards and a skim of plaster, or
create a false ceiling below the existing one. This is a common
solution for creating a new finish without removing the existing
Chemical Artex
Removers may be the answer, these can be used on all types of Artex,
but as with all chemicals they should be handled with care and the
instructions on the labels followed. Chemical products should be left
in place for as long as possible before removal for maximum effect
and all waste should be bagged up and disposed of correctly.
Click HERE for more information on chemical Artex Removers
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